(This was in the last post, but I had to reuse it as the photo of the week. It definitely deserves it.)
And below is the KITCHEN update. Here are some pictures I took this weekend of the kitchen! It's mostly done. We'll have to install the range hood, and put little white planks in between the gaps of the cupboards. The counter top still needs a second coat of glaze too.

Here it is in the process of gutting from the same view (click to enlarge):

Here is the front view of the kitchen from it's original condition to the finished gutting:
(click to enlarge)

Rita is a hardcore-construction-loving dog! She looks so young here!

Removing the floor was TOUGH. There was tile, concrete and chicken wire, two layers of linoleum, and the rotted floorboards to replace...

Here it is from the other corner view. It overlooks the living/dining room. You can see the front door there behind Sam.

And it's original condition, same view:

We have the upright piano set up and I have been fumbling around trying to play Moon River.
And yesterday I stripped the old paint off the hutch in the dining room and sanded the wood. I also took out a piece of cracked glass and will try to replace it.

It's really fun learning all this stuff. I'm totally enjoying it. If only I had more time in the week to spend working on the house...
Kristin, the kitchen is absolutely beautiful!! All your hard work paid off!! Congrats!! Gorgeous work.
Awesome post! Love the before/afters. Amazing! Also filing away the hiking info for a free weekend...
Very cool! :-)
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