This was a great hike! I definitely recommend it. It's a loop, which I love. About 6 miles, a nice workout. Absolutely beautiful weather! We were there from 5:15 to 7:45pm, so 2.5 hours.
I went with my good friend Courtney, who just got a dog named Annie. Funny thing is she looks SO MUCH like Rita! We had so much fun, the two of us and our dogs. I wonder if they're related...

This hike is very close to the 5 fwy just south of Santa Clarita. Take the Calgrove exit and go west 1/2 a mile to the Towsley Canyon parking area (I would park outside the entrance, since this is the free parking lot).

Follow Towsley Canyon Rd as far as you can go to the west. After maybe 2 miles you will come upon a creek and the trail gets sort of undefined here.

This part of the trail they call the Narrows. Not much like the Narrows in Utah, but still some pretty neat rock formations through this part of the trail.

Then you will come through the canyon and start hiking the switchbacks.

This will lead you to the top of the canyon and some amazing views! You're probably about halfway done with the hike here.

It's all downhill from here, through Wiley Canyon. You go through some pretty amazing foliage.

Once you reach an opening with a bench, it's a direct shot northeast back to the parking lot from here.

This trail is called Wiley Mtwy, and you'll even see a natural bubbling tar pit on the way back.

At the end of the day, my favorite lens broke when removing my camera from the car. :( I will replace it with my birthday money, which I'm extremely grateful for. I really love this lens. It's a 50mm f/1.8 for Canon, and only about $100, which is a steal. This is the last picture that lens took:

The rest of the photos from the hike, you can view here:
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